Source code for utilitools.utilities.partial

import functools
import itertools

[docs]class partial(functools.partial): """ | An extended version (handling positional arguments) that inherits from |functools.partial|. """
[docs] def __new__(cls, function, /, *args, **kwargs): """ | Creates an object with a simplified signature by “freezing” some portion of a function’s positional and keyword arguments. :param function: | Callable to which the partial object will be applied. :type function: collections.Callable :param args: | Variadic positional arguments will be passed directly to the function during initialization. :type args: typing.Any :param kwargs: | Variadic keywords arguments will be passed directly to the function during initialization. :type kwargs: typing.Any :return: A partial object with a simplified signature. :rtype: :obj:`utilitools.partial` :raises TypeError: - If `function` is not callable. """ return super(partial, cls).__new__(cls, function, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ | An extension that accepts `Ellipsis` as a placeholder for positional arguments. :param args: | Variadic positional arguments will be passed directly to the function after initialization. :type args: typing.Any :param kwargs: | Variadic keywords arguments will be passed directly to the function after initialization. :type kwargs: typing.Any :return: The output of the function. :rtype: typing.Any :raises BaseException: - If `args` does not match to function. - If `kwargs` does not match to function. """ iterator = iter(args + tuple(itertools.repeat(..., self.args.count(...) - len(args)))) positionals = tuple(next(iterator) if arg is ... else arg for arg in self.args) positionals = tuple(filter(lambda arg: arg is not ..., positionals + tuple(iterator))) keywords = dict(**self.keywords, **kwargs) return self.func(*positionals, **keywords)